Sabba supports medical billers day to day workflow by improving the denial of claims process.
Sabba solves the massive problem that exists in the medical billing workflow where denials are not processed in a timely and efficient manner. Their tool will enable medical billers to reduce bottlenecks in their day-to-day workflows so they can focus on the denials that matter and process those at a faster rate. Sabba is helping outsourced medical billing companies automate their collections operations using data and machine learning, initially focused on denied claims. Their goal is to move through the insurance billing process step by step to automate it away entirely from authorizations, to credentialing, to collections, etc.
The company was founded in July 2022 by Sam Wu, who, after studying the medical billing industry extensively, came to learn of the intricacies and problems across stakeholders that has led to gaping holes within the existing workflows. After robust customer validation and speaking with established medical billing companies such as AccuMed Revenue Systems, Red House Medical Billing and Blitz Medical Billing, he found that there is a massive problem with processing denial claims today for medical billers. Sam is currently building Sabba Health as a solo founder and is in the process of actively searching and recruiting a technical co-founder. Samuel’s background consists of a strong medical and business knowledge base with 4 years of prior experience at Caravan Ventures as well as more operator-like roles with Open Platform, Locke Bio and Briza, leading product across these three firms.
We first met San through our Partner, Dom, who initially met Sam 5+ years ago while he was angel investing at Caravan Ventures. Through the years, Sam has been a part of the Ripple ecosystem and we’ve closely tracked him through touchpoints and in-person events hosted by the fund to build a deep relationship. We knew that Sam was in the process of building a company, but knew that he was very early. As such, we supported him over the first six months of inception and deeply appreciated that he spent material time and resources with customers. Sam would personally fly out to sit next to billers for days at a time across the US to have a deep empathy for the problem space. When he signed his first few pilot customers, we knew that this was the right time to support him and help him gain the resources to hire a team to build this product.